The Hateful Conduct Charge Against Me by Twitter is Unequivocally False

I’m just beside myself over my Twitter suspension, and I thought it would make feel better to articulate here, publicly, that Twitter’s charge against me of having a pattern of behavior of Hateful Conduct is just simply and unequivocally FALSE. I have NEVER engaged in Hateful Conduct, on Twitter or otherwise. I have NEVER targeted anyone on the basis of race or their membership in ANY protected class. And, I have certainly NEVER attacked or threatened anyone or incited violence against anyone. This suspension is just completely unjustified. There is NO evidence that supports a Twitter suspension on the basis of a pattern of behavior of Hateful Conduct.

The last lock out was also allegedly for Hateful Conduct. And, that lock out was also completely unjustified. I appealed that lock out, but I ended up stopping the appeal process and ended up simply deleting the tweet, but I think now that this was a mistake. I should have continued my appeal. The tweet was a tweet from October, 2019, where I was simply stating that someone, whom I did not name, had been harassing me. The journalist Cathy Young actually corroborated my claim as valid. It simply cannot be Hateful Conduct to point out a fact — the fact, the truth that I had been the victim of harassment, not the perpetrator. So, there is NO pattern of behavior of Hateful Conduct.

I think I know what happened. Not long ago I made the decision to unblock everyone whom I had reported and blocked, many of whom had been punished by Twitter for whatever violations of the rules. I think this was a huge mistake. I think when those persons realized that I had unblocked them they just went to town, reporting every single tweet of mine that they possibly could for Hateful Conduct. And, it’s no big secret that Twitter is not a fan of mine.

I am being silenced. That is the long and short of it. I am being silenced because I have legitimate defamation claims against MANY blue check mark public figures with millions of followers. And, they are Twitter’s bread and butter, so if they want me gone, Twitter is going to get rid of me. I think that’s the simple truth of the matter.

I will keep you all posted on my latest appeal. I don’t have a lot of hope at this point, but I do feel that I still need my Twitter account to save my life and career, so I’m going to keep fighting to retain my Twitter account for as long as I can.

The fact of the matter is that I still desperately need my Twitter account to save my life and human and civil rights academic and legal careers. That’s just the honest to God truth. I’m feeling beside myself at the moment over the suspension. Yes, I have other venues, but nothing has been as effective as Twitter and nothing will be. Yes, of course, Twitter played a role in my demise, but it has also been my primary means of getting the truth out about the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. The only reason why I have any chance at all to save my life and career is because of Twitter. That’s just the simple truth.

Also, Twitter literally saved my life by providing me an outlet for my despair and by connecting me to supporters and fellow cancelleds and falsely accused. Twitter put me in touch with journalists who worked tirelessly to reveal the truth about my plight. No Twitter, no Cathy Young.

So, given this state of affairs, I am more than prepared to grovel like Pete Buttigieg in front of Michael Harriot of The Root. Ha ha ha ha. I couldn’t resist. But, seriously, I am prepared to accept whatever restrictions that Twitter Support wishes to impose to get my account reinstated. I am happy to stop using the @ function all together. I am happy to no longer name individuals at all. Whatever it takes.

I do intend to return to making videos regularly, so make sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share. Follow me on twitter and my blog. 

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links. 



You can follow me on twitter here:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

My profound wish for the New Year is that everyone who has a sick obsession with me gets the professional help they so desperately need.

I have always been this incredibly polarizing person. People just either love me and will do anything for me, or they hate me and want to destroy me, usually out of jealousy and spite, and, yes, most often women. It’s always been that way.

But, my profound wish for the New Year is that all the lost souls who are beside themselves with jealousy and spite get the professional help that they need to get over their sick obsessions with me.

If you want to know which persons are pure evil and which persons are good and have love in their hearts, just look at how they are reacting to my Twitter suspension.

Those persons who are gloating about the loss of my Twitter Account, hoping that it will finally be the loss that pushes me over the edge and drives me to suicide, because they know that if I live and survive that they will be exposed as the racist liars and charlatans and frauds that they are, are the evil ones.

Those persons who have provided me succor and solace during my time of need and my wrongful suspension are the good ones with love in their hearts for me and humanity.

This isn’t personal. I am on a God given and guided path to restore civil liberties on college campuses, including at Yale, and everywhere, including both free speech and due process. I will never stop fighting for justice for everyone who has been falsely accused and cyber mobbed, including on twitter. With or without my Twitter account.

I will NEVER LIE. I would rather die with my integrity intact, because I know that I will be immediately embraced by my beautiful, red haired guardian angel brothers, and all those who watch over me, but not on Earth.

The fact of the matter is that I still desperately need my Twitter account to save my life and human and civil rights academic and legal careers. That’s just the honest to God truth. I’m feeling beside myself at the moment over the suspension. Yes, I have other venues, but nothing has been as effective as Twitter and nothing will be. Yes, of course, Twitter played a role in my demise, but it has also been my primary means of getting the truth out about the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. The only reason why I have any chance at all to save my life and career is because of Twitter. That’s just the simple truth.

Also, Twitter literally saved my life by providing me an outlet for my despair and by connecting me to supporters and fellow cancelleds and falsely accused. Twitter put me in touch with journalists who worked tirelessly to reveal the truth about my plight. No Twitter, no Cathy Young.

So, given this state of affairs, I am more than prepared to grovel like Pete Buttigieg in front of Michael Harriot of The Root. Ha ha ha ha. I couldn’t resist. But, seriously, I am prepared to accept whatever restrictions that Twitter Support wishes to impose to get my account reinstated. I am happy to stop using the @ function all together. I am happy to no longer name individuals at all. Whatever it takes.

I do intend to return to making videos regularly, so make sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share. Follow me on twitter and my blog. 

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links. 



You can follow me on twitter here:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

If you wish to know who is evil and who is good, just look at who is gloating about my Twitter suspension, hoping it will drive me to suicide, and who is supporting me during my wrongful suspension.

If you want to know which persons are pure evil and which persons are good and have love in their hearts, just look at how they are reacting to my Twitter suspension.

Those persons who are gloating about the loss of my Twitter Account, hoping that it will finally be the loss that pushes me over the edge and drives me to suicide, because they know that if I live and survive that they will be exposed as the racist liars and charlatans and frauds that they are, are the evil ones.

Those persons who have provided me succor and solace during my time of need and my wrongful suspension are the good ones with love in their hearts for me and humanity.

This isn’t personal. I am on a God given and guided path to restore civil liberties on college campuses, including at Yale, and everywhere, including both free speech and due process. I will never stop fighting for justice for everyone who has been falsely accused and cyber mobbed, including on twitter. With or without my Twitter account.

I will NEVER LIE. I would rather die with my integrity intact, because I know that I will be immediately embraced by my beautiful, red haired guardian angel brothers, and all those who watch over me, but not on Earth.

The fact of the matter is that I still desperately need my Twitter account to save my life and human and civil rights academic and legal careers. That’s just the honest to God truth. I’m feeling beside myself at the moment over the suspension. Yes, I have other venues, but nothing has been as effective as Twitter and nothing will be. Yes, of course, Twitter played a role in my demise, but it has also been my primary means of getting the truth out about the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. The only reason why I have any chance at all to save my life and career is because of Twitter. That’s just the simple truth.

Also, Twitter literally saved my life by providing me an outlet for my despair and by connecting me to supporters and fellow cancelleds and falsely accused. Twitter put me in touch with journalists who worked tirelessly to reveal the truth about my plight. No Twitter, no Cathy Young.

So, given this state of affairs, I am more than prepared to grovel like Pete Buttigieg in front of Michael Harriot of The Root. Ha ha ha ha. I couldn’t resist. But, seriously, I am prepared to accept whatever restrictions that Twitter Support wishes to impose to get my account reinstated. I am happy to stop using the @ function all together. I am happy to no longer name individuals at all. Whatever it takes.

I do intend to return to making videos regularly, so make sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share. Follow me on twitter and my blog. 

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links. 



You can follow me on twitter here:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

My YouTube Video About My Twitter Suspension, AND If You Want to Help Me Secure Justice, Please Subscribe to My YouTube Channel

I’m not groveling like Pete Buttigieg in front of Michael Harriot of The Root in this video, but I wanted to post a quick blog post with my YouTube Channel video about my Twitter suspension. I remain hopeful that Twitter will lift the suspension. I have told them that I truly still need my Twitter account to save my life and human and civil rights academic and legal careers, and I am prepared to accept whatever restrictions. Also, my Shonda Rhimes tweets were simply NOT Hateful Conduct. They just weren’t.

Also, I just wanted to ask everyone to please subscribe to my YouTube Channel. If you wish to help me secure justice, and you are unable to donate to my Legal Fund, the next best thing is to subscribe to my YouTube Channel. I am getting really close to being able to monetize my YouTube Channel, which I hope to use to raise legal funds to sue Yale and the entire moral outrage industry, but I need more subscribers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Here’s the YouTube Channel video:

I do intend to return to making videos regularly, so make sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share. Follow me on twitter and my blog. 

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links. 



You can follow me on twitter here:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

I Still Desperately Need My Twitter Account to Save My Life and Human and Civil Rights Academic and Legal Careers, and I am Prepared to Grovel Like Pete Buttigieg with Michael Harriot ;)

The fact of the matter is that I still desperately need my Twitter account to save my life and human and civil rights academic and legal careers. That’s just the honest to God truth. I’m feeling beside myself at the moment over the suspension. Yes, I have other venues, but nothing has been as effective as Twitter and nothing will be. Yes, of course, Twitter played a role in my demise, but it has also been my primary means of getting the truth out about the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale. The only reason why I have any chance at all to save my life and career is because of Twitter. That’s just the simple truth.

Also, Twitter literally saved my life by providing me an outlet for my despair and by connecting me to supporters and fellow cancelleds and falsely accused. Twitter put me in touch with journalists who worked tirelessly to reveal the truth about my plight. No Twitter, no Cathy Young.

So, given this state of affairs, I am more than prepared to grovel like Pete Buttigieg in front of Michael Harriot of The Root. Ha ha ha ha. I couldn’t resist. But, seriously, I am prepared to accept whatever restrictions that Twitter Support wishes to impose to get my account reinstated. I am happy to stop using the @ function all together. I am happy to no longer name individuals at all. Whatever it takes.

I do intend to return to making videos regularly, so make sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share. Follow me on twitter and my blog. 

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links. 



You can follow me on twitter here:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

The Simple Fact of the Matter is that I am Being Silenced by Twitter, Because it is Super Inconvenient for Everyone if I Turn Out to Be Innocent, WHICH I AM.

I just want to take a moment to make something perfectly clear, in case anyone was unaware of this point.

The simple fact is that I am being silenced by Twitter. I know it. Jack Dorsey knows it. Yale knows it. The ACLU knows it. The New York Times knows it. The Washington Post & CNN & MSNBC & NBC News all know it. The View knows it. GMA knows it. The Daily Show knows it. The entire Moral Outrage Industry and the Fake News Press and all of the state legislatures across the US who cited me as the impetus for grossly unconstitutional hate crime legislation, and all of the Woke Intersectional Feminists everywhere, KNOW that I am being silenced. And, they are all extremely happy about this state of affairs.

It is beyond inconvenient for pretty much the entire world who participated in the global defamation campaign against me that almost got me killed and destroyed my life and lifelong human and civil rights academic and legal careers, if I turn out to be entirely innocent, WHICH I AM.

It is super inconvenient for all of the Woke Intersectional Feminists and Social Justice Warriors and Moral Outrage Warriors, in academia and the Fake News press and in state legislatures across the US, whose ideologies and careers and credibility depend upon me being the genocidal villain that they claimed, if the Living or Napping While Black Incident at Yale turns out to be a Hate Crime Hoax, WHICH IT IS.

So, of course, I’m being silenced. Does this shock anyone?

I do intend to return to making videos regularly, so make sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share. Follow me on twitter and my blog. 

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links. 



You can follow me on twitter here:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

The Actual Shonda Rhimes Tweets for which I was Suspended by Twitter for Hateful Conduct (Shocker: It’s not hateful conduct.)

Here they are:


When @shondarhimes thinks it’s ok to try to cyber bully & mob an innocent civil rights activist w/ mental health disabilities into suicide on twitter, because she’s ostensibly crazy, poor white trash, you know we have a problem. If this can happen to me, it can happen to ANYONE.

And, the Reply:

All she had to do was google my name to learn that I am a human & civil rights activist who had dedicated her life to fighting oppression globally. No, she has never apologized to me for what she did. I can’t even guess how many death threats I received, b/c of what she did.

And, that’s all folks. 🙂

Dear friends, I love all of you so much for being concerned about me. Don’t worry. I’m not suicidal. I’m remaining calm during my Twitter suspension, which is indefinite, as far as I know, but I have submitted an appeal. Brian Leiter and Cathy Young and Skeptic Review (Gretchen) have been providing me with wonderful support. I have to believe that this was an automated overreaction during the holidays to an orchestrated mass reporting of a non event. I hope very much and expect to have the suspension lifted soon, as soon as it crosses the desk of an actual human being. I was suspended for hateful conduct, which Twitter defines as targeting someone for their membership in a protected class, and I obviously did NOTHING of the kind. The suspension is preposterous. Twitter has to find a better way to deal with mass reports as harassment. In fact, I was pointing out that I was the person who had been targeted, because of MY membership in protected classes. And, I was simply speaking the truth. If Twitter defines the truth as suspension worthy hate speech, then we’re in trouble. If Twitter defines even criticizing a public figure with 2 M followers who has attacked you, if the public figure happens to be a POC, as suspension worthy hate speech, then we’re in very serious trouble.

I love you all so much. I’m keeping busy making YouTube videos. Please watch and subscribe. And, I’m working on my response essay to James Hatch’s essay on Medium about his one semester experience at Yale: My Semester with the Snowflakes. Mine is called: My Six Years at Yale with the Woke Intersectional Feminists and How They Tried to Destroy Me. Ha ha ha ha. xoxoxo

I do intend to return to making videos regularly, so make sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share. Follow me on twitter and my blog. 

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links. 



You can follow me on twitter here:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

Don’t Worry. I’m Remaining Calm During My Twitter Suspension. I Love All of You So Much.

Dear friends, I love all of you so much for being concerned about me. Don’t worry. I’m not suicidal. I’m remaining calm during my Twitter suspension, which is indefinite, as far as I know, but I have submitted an appeal. Brian Leiter and Cathy Young and Skeptic Review (Gretchen) have been providing me with wonderful support. I have to believe that this was an automated overreaction during the holidays to an orchestrated mass reporting of a non event. I hope very much and expect to have the suspension lifted soon, as soon as it crosses the desk of an actual human being. I was suspended for hateful conduct, which Twitter defines as targeting someone for their membership in a protected class, and I obviously did NOTHING of the kind. The suspension is preposterous. Twitter has to find a better way to deal with mass reports as harassment. In fact, I was pointing out that I was the person who had been targeted, because of MY membership in protected classes. And, I was simply speaking the truth. If Twitter defines the truth as suspension worthy hate speech, then we’re in trouble. If Twitter defines even criticizing a public figure with 2 M followers who has attacked you, if the public figure happens to be a POC, as suspension worthy hate speech, then we’re in very serious trouble.

I love you all so much. I’m keeping busy making YouTube videos. Please watch and subscribe. And, I’m working on my response essay to James Hatch’s essay on Medium about his one semester experience at Yale: My Semester with the Snowflakes. Mine is called: My Six Years at Yale with the Woke Intersectional Feminists and How They Tried to Destroy Me. Ha ha ha ha. xoxoxo

I do intend to return to making videos regularly, so make sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share. Follow me on twitter and my blog. 

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links. 



You can follow me on twitter here:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

The Philosophy Academic Community Has a Responsibility to Step In Now and to Help Me Save My Life and Human and Civil Rights Academic and Legal Careers

I am failing miserably at saving my life and lifelong human and civil rights academic and legal careers. The powers that be, including twitter and Yale and ACLU and the New York Times, et al., are determined that I should fail at saving my life and career, and they, including the entire moral outrage industry, are winning. I am failing.

It’s because I am a person of profound integrity with principles. I refuse to lie, even if it would help me to secure support and legal funds and press coverage.

I would rather die with my integrity intact, because I know, at the moment of my death, that I will be embraced in God’s love, as well as the love of my beautiful, red haired guardian angel brothers, and my beautiful Grandmothers.

I have been recently and wrongfully suspended by twitter. I need my twitter account to save my life and human and civil rights academic and legal careers. I don’t know what to do.

The Philosophy Academic Community has a responsibility to step in now and to help me save my life and career. They, largely, tore me to shreds. For the most part, the philosophy academic community jumped on the global defamation campaign bandwagon, and they were happy to burn me in grotesque effigy for moral outrage industry profit and gain. They either knew or had every reason to know that I was entirely innocent. And, if anyone had any questions, all they had to do was google my name or phone one of my mentors and advisors at Yale to determine the truth of the matter, i.e., that the Living or Napping While Black Incident at Yale was a Hate Crime Hoax, and I was its entirely innocent victim.

I want to make clear not to include the philosophy faculty at Yale in this, as well as a good part of the Yale Law School Faculty. They stood by my side during the entire nightmare. Yale’s General Counsel told my then attorney that they were shocked at the way that the Yale Philosophy and Law Faculty fought tirelessly to save me. They also stood by my side in Spring 2015, when the Yale Administration tried to expel me for having stood up for the Federal Civil Rights, the religious expression rights, of an Evangelical black man at Yale, our only POC job candidate for an Assistant Professor tenure track position.

In particular, Justin Weinberg and the commenters at Daily Nous, a popular philosophy academic community blog, relished tearing my life and lifelong human and civil rights academic and legal careers to shreds to score social justice warrior and Woke Intersectional Feminism street cred points. This shocked me. Justin Weinberg knew I was the person who had defended the Federal Civil Rights of an Evangelical black man at Yale back in Spring 2015. But, regardless of this fact, I was not the person who leaked the information about the controversy in Spring 2015 to Daily Nous, even though I was absolutely accused of having done so. Justin Weinberg can confirm this point.

I was also shocked when Vesla Mae Weaver and Chris Lebron, both currently at Johns Hopkins, chose to take advantage of the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale and the destruction of my life and civil rights career, to exploit me as a proxy to get revenge against Yale. Both Vesla Weaver and Chris Lebron knew me, and Chris Lebron knew me well. I had worked with him on more than one explicitly anti-racism conference at Yale. They knew that I was not only a prison abolitionist, but also a punishment abolitionist, in no small part part due to the fact that these institutions have a profound and disparate impact on marginalized persons and communities, especially persons and communities of color. They both knew that I worked with the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School on the issues of implicit bias and police brutality. Needless to say, this shocked me to my core and broke my heart. I feel that their behavior disqualifies them from teaching and mentoring grad students. They lied about me, knowing that they were placing the life of an innocent graduate student whom they knew in danger.

Please help me to save my life. I am failing. I am losing this battle. I need help. I am rallying the troops whom I know know that I am an entirely innocent and lifelong human and civil rights licensed attorney activist who had dedicated her life to fighting oppression in all of its many forms and who is working on a Saving the World Project, my Yale PhD Dissertation.

Please help me. I have so much to give to the world. Don’t let Yale and the entire moral outrage industry destroy me for money and gain and to cover up their own wrongdoing. Please help me to save my life.

I do intend to return to making videos regularly, so make sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share. Follow me on twitter and my blog. 

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links. 



You can follow me on twitter here:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

I Asked Reginald Dwayne Betts of Yale Law, Tommie Shelby of Harvard, and John Jost of NYU to Please Help Me Save My Life

I am failing miserably at saving my life and lifelong human and civil rights academic and legal careers. The powers that be, including twitter and Yale and ACLU and the New York Times, et al., are determined that I should fail at saving my life and career, and they, including the entire moral outrage industry, are winning. I am failing.

It’s because I am a person of profound integrity with principles. I refuse to lie, even if it would help me to secure support and legal funds and press coverage.

I would rather die with my integrity intact, because I know, at the moment of my death, that I will be embraced in God’s love, as well as the love of my beautiful, red haired guardian angel brothers, and my beautiful Grandmothers.

I have been recently and wrongfully suspended by twitter. I need my twitter account to save my life and human and civil rights academic and legal careers. I don’t know what to do.

So, I decided to just reach out to those persons in academia whom I know know that I am entirely innocent. I know that they know that I am the victim of the Living or Napping While Black Hate Crime Hoax at Yale.

I reached out to Reginald Dwayne Betts of Yale Law School, Tommie Shelby of Harvard, and John Jost of NYU. I am desperate. I just said: Please help me save my life and my lifelong human and civil rights academic and legal careers. I know that you know, or, at least, I hope that you know that I am entirely innocent.

Reginald Dwayne Betts was imprisoned for years as a teenager after carjacking a car. I worked with Dwayne, as well as Tommie Shelby of Harvard and John Jost of NYU on explicitly anti-racism conferences at Yale. They know that I am not only a prison abolitionist, but a punishment abolitionist, because of the disparate and profound impact of these institutions on marginalized persons, especially on persons and communities of color.

Please help me to save my life. I am failing. I am losing this battle. I need help. I am rallying the troops whom I know know that I am an entirely innocent and lifelong human and civil rights licensed attorney activist who had dedicated her life to fighting oppression in all of its many forms and who is working on a Saving the World Project, my Yale PhD Dissertation.

Please help me. I have so much to give to the world. Don’t let Yale and the entire moral outrage industry destroy me for money and gain and to cover up their own wrongdoing. Please help me to save my life.

I do intend to return to making videos regularly, so make sure to subscribe, like, comment, and share. Follow me on twitter and my blog. 

If you wish to support me, as I seek justice, it would mean the world to me. Here are my PayPalMe and GoFundMe links. 



You can follow me on twitter here:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: